Parkway United Church of Christ is an Open and Affirming congregation within the United Church of Christ. We believe that all people are created in God’s image and thus are blessed and loved equally. In this spirit, we welcome all people, including those of every race, spiritual tradition, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression into the full life and ministry of the church.
Through God’s Spirit…
We long in worship and study to be fed by the best of our spiritual tradition, while reimagining or setting aside those elements leading to oppression and isolation;
We seek to broaden our understandings about prayer and spiritual practice that promote rest and joy and are embodied, ecologically-centered, and honor cultural diversity;
We seek to listen deeply…
We are aware our community is mostly of people 55 and older. We focus on seeing the strengths of this demographic. Much of our ministry is centered on the role and tasks of spiritual and relational eldering;
We create small groups for spiritual practice, support, and circles of trust as the center of our community life and want to offer similar opportunities for those in the wider community;
We grow our ability to face change and transform conflict;
Build community…
We open our facility and land, to the extent of our capacity, to partner organizations and movements for community-building and meaning-making;
We move from our great strength of relationships with one another to sending one another forth into the world for service, love, and justice. We are a recharge station for all the community engagement our community members are already doing;
We seek relationship with neighbors, increasing our visibility through relationships, signage, and digital updates;
Work for justice…
We integrate our community-building and spiritual growth with a desire to partner with local organizations seeking repair, mercy, and justice;
We have commitments to anti-racism work, support persons with mental illness, climate justice, broad-based organizing, and healing our democracy. We see these as integrated under the single theme of Seeking Wholeness working for each commitment to support the others.
Michelle Johnson
Assistant Minister for Spiritual Wellness and Formation
Blaine McNeil
Music Director
Ann M. Craft
Office Admin. /
Social Media Admin.
Leadership Parkway United Church of Christ 2025
Church Council
Shared President: Barb Nicklas and Kay Wood
Secretary: Michael Lange
Treasurer: Joni Yoder
Financial Secretary: Larry Stallings
At-Large: Diane Stallings, Josh Pagano, Roseanne L’Esperance, Peggy Matthews, Nancy Vargas
Standing Committees
Pastoral Relations, Craig Schaub
Chair: Lisa Wishon
Members: Karl Hallsten, Anne Herndon, Tom Everton
Pastoral Relations, Michelle Johnson
Chair: Aubry Koehler
Members: Steve Boyd, Karin Binkley, Nan Parrish
Chair: Larry Stallings
Members: Ana Tampanna, Margaret Morris, Donna Hallsten
Chair: Sean Nelligan
Members: Lee Vanden Heuvel, Ron Wright, Adelaide Beeker
Committees With Functions Called for in the By-laws
Worship and Education
Chair: Sterling Garris
Members: Judy Sutherin, Karl Hallsten, Judy Coggins, Joanie Oliphant, Angela Wampler
Chair: Janice Nelligan
Members: Kay Woods, Amy Wright, Diane Stallings, Kate Mewhinny
Memorial Services: Anne Herndon
Neighborhood Nurture: Amy Wright, Sean and Janice Nelligan
Potlucks and Receptions: Kay Wood, Carol Mark
Property-Visioning and Management
Chair: Grant Wright
Members: Marlin Yoder, Steve Schwartz, Tim Binkley, Dana Hall, David Scruggs, Jeff Ganiere, Jim Ward
Chair: Joni Yoder
Members: John Brais, Larry Stallings, Don Swanson
Stewardship 2026
Teams (These may vary over time with changing interests and commitments of members.)
Community Engagement:
Chair: Vicki Schwartz
Members: Ann McLain, Sara Lu Bradley
Justice Initiatives and Healing Democracy
Chair: Steve Boyd
Members: Teri Nelson, Jan Adams, Diana James, Jim and Ann Lake, Stephanie McDonald, Steve Boyd
Industrial Areas Foundation
Chairs: Karin Binkley, Steve Boyd
Members: Tim Binkley, Jon Sundell, Kay Wood, Patti Woodard, Peggy Matthews, Teri Nelson,
Roseanne L’Esperance
Chair: Judy Sutherin
Members: Michael Lange and Craig Plummer, Vicki Schwarz, Ken Vanhoy, Sterling Garris, Joanie Oliphant, Betsy and Jeff Ganiere, Margaret Morris
Guest Follow-up Ana Tampanna
Sunday Stewards:
Chair: Joanie Oliphant
Members: Karl Hallsten, Vicki Schwartz, Karin Binkley, Roseann L’Esperance, Judy Aanstad, Susan Brooks,
Michael Lange, Craig Plummer, Ken Vanhoy, Judy Sutherin, Margaret Morris, Jim and Ann Lake, Judy Coggins, Amy Wright, Ana Tampanna, Lisa Wishon
Altar Arrangement Lisa Wishon
Chair: Peggy Matthews
Members: Andy Hagler, Adelaide Beeker, Sean Nelligan, Sarah Lu Bradley, Jim and Ann Lake
Pastoral Care Sarah Lu Bradley, Sean Nelligan, Lisa Wishon, Anne Herndon, Tom Everton, Peggy Matthews
Representative to UCC Karl Hallsten
Guest Groups and Building Manager Marlin Yoder
Living the Vision Lisa Wishon, Carol Mark, Marlin Yoder, Diana James, Donna Hallsten
Click on the link below to view policies.
Parkway UCC
Office Number & Work Hours
T, Thurs, Friday 9am-1pm
) 723-1395
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday